Smtc Machinery is the importer and distributor of Hurom Slow Juicer in Malaysia since year 2011.

Hurom慢磨活氧機已經風靡全球,成了居家必備的蔬果汁機。Hurom的特點為慢轉速、高效率、 石磨原理和螺旋技術。所壓榨的蔬果汁保留原色、原味、原營養、就是保留了所有的活性酶和活性酵素。 Hurom沒有鋒利刀片、高速粉碎和摩擦餘熱等的缺點、而是以古人石臼研磨的智慧結晶再配合現今的科學技術研發而成... (請點按Hurom Slow Juicer以獲得更多詳情)。
What is Hurom Slow Juicer? and Why Hurom Slow Juicer?
The Hurom slow juicer is a well-kwon juicer all over the world since launching in year 2011. Hurom is a completely new paradigm juicer which is characterized by low speed, high efficiency, stone grinding principle and squeezing technology.